Thursday, December 24, 2020

Roller Skates, Newbery 1937

 This book was... okaaaaay... I've seen a few reviews from people that have read more of Ruth Sawyer's books and they seem to agree that this is not her best work. In this very episodic story 10 year old  Lucinda is left with some family friends in NYC while her parents spend a year in Italy. We are given a lovely setting filled with a variety of characters - perhaps too many characters. I liked all of them but none was quite fleshed out to their fullest potential because we had to bounce around between more than 20 side characters in a 200 page novel. And there were three lousy conclusions - I'm gonna drop what would be a major spoiler in any other novel - you've been warned....

A) One of Lucinda's many friends, an East Asian woman referred to by Lucinda as Princess Zayda is murdered

B) Tony and Luc- you're still thinking about point A aren't you?

Yep, murder. It is hinted that domestic abuse is involved but I'm not sure I'd have picked up on that subtext as a child reader. Lucinda begins visiting this woman frequently and once the woman's husband angrily comes home but seems relieved to find Lucinda instead of another man. Lucinda is so afraid she runs away. Over the novel Lucinda gives the woman English lessons and drops in to visit her frequently. After being dismissed early from school one day she decides to surprise her friend and goes to her apartment - where she discovers that she has been stabbed with a dagger that is still in her body! Lucinda quickly summons the landlord who says that it wouldn't do for Lucinda to be involved with the police so they will wait until the maid discovers the body and the whole thing is never really mentioned again??? I cannot fathom why this was put in the book only to be dismissed so completely. I saw a couple people mention that this book is loosely autobiographical... did... did little Ruth discover a murder victim?

Moving on.

B) Tony and Lucinda have the worst possible conclusion. Theirs is probably the strongest relationship in the book and it is so completely wasted at the end. (When hearing there was a sequel I was sure we were in for more Tony and Lucinda but.... guess not since the sequel is in Maine.) These two have been really happy and helpful friends throughout the book but they just kind of part without any good bye and that is partly due to....

C) The book just ends. I can see how the abrupt ending of Lucinda looking to the reservoir and asking her reflection if she'd like to always be 10 and stay forever in the park led Peter Sieruta, a blogger and book reviewer with far more credentials than I, to assume the book ended with her suicide. The book feels like the last several pages managed to get lost!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Gay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon, Newbery Winner 1928

I had put this book off for so long because I very much expected not to like it. That is really the case with all three of my remaining Newberys. However I was so surprised! I loved this book and gave it the coveted five star rating on Goodreads - something I've gotten stingier with over time. I thought I'd check how the average user ranks it among the Newbery winners (of which there are 99 at time of writing)

98. Gay-Neck 3.30

99. Dobry 3.26

Many years ago I mentioned that I wasn't a horse girl. But as I was reading Gay-Neck I realized I was definitely a bird girl. I can take or leave horse books. Most cat books are not my thing. Dog books tend to be pretty good. But bird books? I'm racking my brain and I've never met a bird book I didn't like!

This novel is a great look at an upper caste life in late 1800s India, it is actually an own-voices novel which is not something I'd ever stumbled across for this particular time and place. Rudyard Kipling is one of my favorite writers - but I'll be the first to admit that his view is problematic when it comes to colonialism (imperialism?). Back to Dhan Gopal Mukerji, he immigrated to the US in his early 20s where he quickly became interested in many social movements and took to writing to support himself and his education. He became a very popular children's author - and in 1928 was awarded the Newbery. Apparently at the awards dinner he was seated in an inconspicuous place as the committee wanted the award to be a surprise; this was the first time an author of color won the Newbery and they were afraid his presence would be a giveaway before the announcement. Sadly, his fame may have contributed to anxiety and fatigue leading to Mukerji's suicide at the age of 46.

The plot of the book is two-fold. First it focuses on the raising and life in India of homing pigeons. The first-person narrator (perhaps loosely based on the author) raises pigeons in Calcutta, he introduces the text: "For a pigeon, life is a repetition of two incidents: namely a quest of food and avoidance of attacks by its enemies." Several times Gay-Neck is attacked and occasionally injured. After these attacks he must not only be physically healed but mentally, emotionally, perhaps even spiritually. On a couple occasions we are allowed to understand where Gay-Neck has been through his own first person narration.

At the mid-point of the book Gay-Neck is sent with a friend of the narrator to World War I in France. This book predates World War II so simply refers to 'a war in Europe'. The text manages to convey some horror of war while also maintaining itself as a text for children. Eventually Gay-Neck is released from the war suffering what we would come to refer to years later as PTSD. Through time and patience he is once again well enough to fly.

Mukerji leaves us with a text that emphasizes not only courage, but love and understanding. He used the story of a pigeon to illustrate the human condition - saying that fear is the root of our problems. He had been impacted and saddened by WWI, turmoil in his native India, and social struggles in the USA. The final line of the book offers his hope for the world - "Peace be unto all!"

As a side note the narrator is so moved by the sight of Everest at one point that he says, "O thou summit of sanctity, thou inviolate and eternal, may no man tarnish thee, nor may any mortal stain they purity even by his slightest touch. May thou remain forever unvanquished, O thou backbone of the universe, and measurement of immortality." I looked it up and was happy to find that Everest was not summited until 1953, several years after the author's death.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Hitty: Her First Hundred Years, Newbery Winner 1930

 I've been saying that some of these older winners were in need of a re-write and this one actually has one!

I've got... notes. Let's start with the original text. First, congratulations to Rachel Field for being the first woman to win a Newbery. Although it took 8 years for the first it is pretty hard to accuse the committee of sexism when you consider that every winner from the 30s was written by a woman. Fields had a rather interesting life and many older readers of the Newberys list her among their favorite authors. I thought her writing was rather nice - I struggled with some of the dialects and vocabulary, but that is to be expected with a text this old. 
Most of the time the plot was interesting enough, but one can't help but notice certain things that would never fly in modern kids' lit. Yes, we've circled back round to racism. Though not as mean-spirited as the racism in Smoky it is still present. In the very beginning of the book Phoebe, one of Hitty's owners, is scared by some Native Americans while out picking berries,

"They were only some five or six squaws in moccasins, beads, and blankets, who had come after raspberries, too... I watched them filling their woven baskets and thought they looked very fat and kind, though rather brown and somewhat untidy as to hair" (Fields 20).

 After that paragraph the book continues on without incident for a while and I found myself thinking that, at least, it had been short and although cringeworthy not mean-spirited. Just wait. 

    The premise of the story is that Hitty, a carved wooden doll, is writing her memoirs when she is around one hundred years old. The story begins with her being carved in 1829 for Phoebe Preble, a young girl in Maine. This owner has the largest part of the text devoted to her, with 40% of the book being about her time belonging to Phoebe. Phoebe brings Hitty with her on a whaling ship captained by her father. When the crew mutinies and the ship catches fire the Prebles and a few loyal crew members are castaway on a South Pacific Island. This is when I had to give myself a little break from the book because, well, just read.

"Look they certainly did. I have never seen so many bright, black eyes in so many peering faces. I caught sight of nose rings and earrings under matted hair, of carved necklaces and bands of metal on wrists, arms, and ankles... 'They act like a parcel of children,' Captain Preble said, 'and I hope to glory they stay so.' Like children they easily tired of what had caught their attention, so next it was Phoebe about whom they began to crowd... and the biggest native with the most rings and beads on now caught sight of me between her fingers. He made a queer grunting noise at the rest and they all crowded about, pointing and gesticulating" (Fields 78-79).

Jeepers, if this doesn't illustrate a by-gone way of thinking about non-white culture that what ever could? How about the end of the chapter.

"At another grunt from him all the natives bowed their heads before me and went through more strange gesturings - and so I was carried away to become a heathen idol" (Fields 81). 

In the end she makes her way back to Phoebe in time for them to leave the island a join a ship sailing to India, however in India she is dropped by a sleeping Phoebe. After this beginning she bounces from one owner to the next every chapter or so. There are a few cultural missteps in the writing, Indians in great need of converting and the Southern US black dialect being the two I most noticed, but nothing ever approaches the uncomfortableness of the South Pacific chapters. A quick list of Hitty's owners:

  • Phoebe Preble - whaling captain's daughter
  • unnamed Indian snake-charming performer
  • Thankful - daughter of missionaries to India
  • Clarissa Pryce - Quaker girl in Philadelphia (took Hitty to listen to famous singer Adelina Patti, and also showed her to the poet John Whittier)
  • Milly Pinch - seamstress
  • Isabella Van Rensselaer - rich girl in New York City (met Charles Dickens who picked Hitty up)
  • Katie (Dooley?) - Irish girl from Rhode Island who takes Hitty to Kansas when she goes West to regain her health
  • Mr. Farley - traveling artist 
  • Miss Hortense and Miss Annette - loaned to by Mr. Farley to use as a dress model for cotton exposition
  • Sally Loomis - daughter of a Mississippi river boat captain
  • Caroline - girl living on a southern plantation along the Mississippi River
  • Charlie - postman that buys Hitty's box from the dead-letter office - immediately loses her
  • Jim's wife - uses Hitty to practice making a pincushion with a doll body
  • Louella - receives Hitty pincushion for birthday
  • Miss Pamela - doll collector
  • Old Lady - antique collector that happens to live in the Preble's old house in Maine
  • Old Gentleman - owner of antique shop in New York City
Overall a decent read, though I preferred the same concept done recently with The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Katie DiCamillo. Sometimes the writing style in this one just really slowed things down - and this from someone who reads a fair amount of older books. It could also be that I was never really a 'doll girl'.

Okay - now the rewrite, adaptation, homage, whatever you want to call it.

Rosemary Wells, of Max and Ruby fame, explains that Hitty was one of her favorite books growing up. She was asked by Susan Jeffers, another fan of the book to shorten the text for an illustrated storybook she wanted to do. While Wells initially didn't want to she found that many libraries hadn't circulated the book very much in decades. So here we are. 
I always flop back and forth on the subject of abridgment. But I think it can be done well - Wells strips the beginning of its more problematic views on other cultures and tosses outdated vocabulary out in favor of more recognizable words. Abridging can also cause problems- also lost is the conflict on the whaling ship, a great many descriptive passages, and a better sense of 100 years, but most egregious is when Wells didn't just adapt the story - she straight up rewrote it. 
Adapting changes the story all the time - but generally it does it within the change of a medium. Movies are often different than their books - but as a different medium it can sometimes be necessary - at any rate you are now targeting a different audience. This is a book adaptation of a book that is only half the original book. And I don't really know why.
Notes on the aforementioned racism - the Native Americans at the beginning of the story now are now described in one sentence, "Only Penobscot women knew about this berry patch and picked there." Wow... somehow even shorter than the original's few pages - but non-offensive I guess. For some reason the tribe has been changed from Passamaquoddy to Penobscot. The South Pacific Islanders also fair better, the Preble's still do not understand what is going on, but Hitty is taken not as a god but as a gift for the chief's son. She isn't viewed by worshippers but by friends of the boy.
There also exists in this book a small necklace with an elephant on it that Hitty is made by Captain Preble. Why? 

So let's run down the list of owners - I assure you it takes a turn. 

  • Phoebe Preble
  • unnamed Indian snake-charming performer
  • Thankful
  • Clarissa Pryce - who takes her to see Abraham Lincoln (?????)
  • Sergeant Jim Chapelle - a Confederate soldier tasked with going through mail, she becomes a post office mascot
  • Mary Chestnut - encourages her seamstress, Millie Nettletree, make a dress for Hitty to wear to the Cotton Expo and win a prize to send Millie's granddaughter to school
  • Sally Loomis
  • Caroline
  • Mr. Copley - traveling artist that takes Hitty with him to paint a portrait of the Roosevelt children
  • Rebecca Solomon - young art admirer that is homeschooled because she uses a wheelchair
  • Mr. D'Ardsley - owner of New York City Antique/ Pawn shop
  • Parthenia Nettletree - granddaughter of Millie who indeed went to school, in process of paying for Hitty as the book ends
Some of the streamlining I get... but not other bits. Halfway through adapting the story Rosemary Wells begins writing a brand-new story using Field's original characters. It's good, but it seems very unnecessary and if I were a bigger fan of the original I'd probably be more angry. 

Overall, I wish the rewrite had stuck to the second half more faithfully and then I could easily recommend it. As it is, it is a good story - but not the one the author originally conceived. 

The Grey King, Newbery Winner 1976

 The Grey King is the fourth book in the series sequence The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper. It falls back into the good old-fashioned fantasy story. Unlike The Prydain Chronicles, I believe each book stands on its own slightly better, but in order to be their best should still be read as a series. From the beginning!

Over Sea, Under Stone (1965)

I really liked this one. As I went through the series I kept comparing them to this first book which is so entirely different from the rest of the series that it really isn't a fair comparison. This book has shades of Narnia (which is my jam) - a group of siblings, England, mythology, and a quest. The siblings in question are Simon, Jane, and Barney Drew - they are spending their holidays on the coast of Cornwall in a house rented by their family friend Merriman Lyon (they often refer to him as their Great-Uncle, though the book is adamant that they are unrelated). They find a map that leads them to a mysterious grail, but they have to stay one step ahead of shady characters every step of the way. Although the sequence as a whole is fantasy this one falls more into contemporary literature/ mystery with a few fantasy elements. 

When read on it's own it stands fairly well but you get the feeling that it is part of a larger series. However, I can't confirm if this was always the intention since the next book is a different tone, with different characters (save Merriman), and was published 8 years later!

The Dark Is Rising (Newbery Honor 1973)

Yes, the second book shares its name with the entire series. The book introduces the main hero Will Stanton and cements the overarching themes and plot for the series. It is consistently found on lists of 'Best' Books - be it best books for children, best Newbery books, best books for the classroom, etc... Of course all this means that I thought the book was - okay. I preferred the slightly lighter fare of Over Sea, Under Stone and really missed the Drew siblings. Will doesn't really have anyone to work off a lot of the time and when he does it is almost always adults (in spite of the large number of siblings available).
Will, the seventh son of a seventh son, discovers on his 11th birthday that he is the last of the Old Ones, a group of immortals who are tasked with being guardians of 'the Light'. He begins a quest to gather six signs together and temporarily drive back 'the Dark'. I just don't understand how this book is so popular and loved when virtually every other book in the series is better.

Greenwitch (1974)

This book is the shortest and many don't seem to care for it much. It brings the Drew siblings back (yay!) and has them join Merriman and Will (meh) to try to find the grail (again). Will has been trained enough at this point that he should be able to translate the mysterious markings on the grail and reveal its secrets. Jane is the only child in this volume that doesn't act like a total nincompoop throughout. Anyway she sees the creation of the Greenwitch and her natural instinct towards compassion and empathy is what in fact ends up saving the day.

The Grey King (Newbery Winner 1975)

Finally! This is the book that made Will Stanton interesting enough to carry a book, all it took was him having other people to work off of without being a nincompoop. This book won two awards the Newbery (best contribution to American children's literature) and the Tir na n-Og Award (best children's book with an authentic Welsh background. Yes, dear reader, our fantasy is headed back to Wales! Will is sent to his aunt in Wales to recover after a long illness, he befriends a local boy named Bran and involves him in his newest mission from Merriman. This book really ramps up the Arthurian influence which always makes for good fantasy. I can definitely see why this book (or even the next) would be winning books. I think this book would stand just fine on its own, though you'd feel a touch unfulfilled at the end. This book accomplishes two things: It makes me want to visit Wales and it makes me want to traditional classic Welsh mythology.

Silver on the Tree (1977)

This is the epic crossover event where all of our characters are brought together and so many plots are finally wrapped up. My only wish is that the Drew siblings had more to do in this volume. One of the things I liked most about Greenwitch was that it was just Jane being herself and being kind that saved the day. This shows just how much power ordinary people (even children) hold against the Dark. However, I am totally sold on the conclusion and would hate to spoil certain aspects, but something I really like is the fact that there are actual consequences, there are difficult choices, and there is a train. How many fantasy epics end with a train ride?

Overall I'd recommend this series to fans of Arthurian legends, the British Isles, children's books, or fantasy series. It was not my favorite series but it was serviceable and remains highly popular half a century after its initial publications.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Single Shard, Newbery Winner 2002


Linda Sue Park is a celebrated author that often incorporates her Korean heritage into her books she has written six novels in the last two decades and this... I the only one I've read. I really enjoyed this story and if I could draw a quick comparison it reminded me of a Studio Ghibli film. Not the content or character - but the pacing. It is not super plot driven, and the characters, though nice, aren't strong enough to be a massive driving force in the plot. This a just a slice of Tree-Ear's life that was particularly important to his life's journey.

Tree-Ear is an orphan in 12th century Korea living with his caretaker Crane-Man near a potters' settlement. He often observes one potter working and wishes to become his apprentice. When he begins doing chores to pay off a debt he finds himself learning more and more but feeling frustrated that he isn't being instructed how to make truly amazing items. Though the eventual conclusion of this novel went pretty much exactly how one would imagine it took some interesting paths to get there.

Once again I found it helpful to have Google handy while reading. I know very little about modern Korea and even less about olden Korea. The special pottery talked about in the book is celadon - in fact the book was inspired by a specific piece hailed as one of the finest examples of Korean artistry. Overall, I would greatly encourage anyone to read this book.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, Newbery Winner 1968

This book rides that crazy line between absolutely timeless and absolutely dated. Claudia and Jamie are those children characters that fall into the category of being smart, well-written, and… real. E.L. Koningsburg had children close to the ages of her characters and you can tell that she used her observations of her children to create a realistic portrayal for Claudia and Jamie.

I first read this when I was much younger and seemed to feel it was a mystery. On this reread I realize that this is a straight up coming-of-age story, the Claudia (and to a lesser extent Jamie) are trying to solve a mystery – or as Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler later tells them, ‘uncover a secret’. We as the readers are not particularly involved in the solving process. 

I think the best part of this is the problem-solving but indulgent Claudia, with her elaborate plans to run-away to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, have to work with her thrifty (but ‘rich’) and utterly practical younger brother. They make a great team-up, working together well but also butting heads a fair amount of the time.

Koningsburg obviously thought out each detail of living in the museum and the shenanigans the kids get up to are the timeless part. However, the cost of things is and outdated technology immediately let you know you are reading something decades old. No matter, this book continues to charm readers a half-century later.

This book is sort of an inspiration to all aspiring writers. Like so many before her E.L. Koningsburg was a mother with a dream of being a writer, she wrote whenever she could and eventually sent in two manuscripts. Her first two books From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler and Jennifer, Hectate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth (fan of long titles much?) were published in the same year and both were noticed by the committee. Mixed-Up Files won the Newbery and Jennifer, Hectate was honored, to this day Koningsburg is the only author to receive an honor and win in the same year.

The Bronze Bow, Newbery Winner 1962

I was surprised to find that this book won a Newbery. It is more overtly religious than any of the other winners. (Note – upon reflection I may be incorrect concerning how religious The Cat That Went to Heaven is considered.) I have come across several Newbery Honor Books with religious elements - The Book of Boy and The Inquisitor’s Tale being the examples that spring to mind; the difference being that these books incorporate religion in a fantasy way. Bronze Bow is probably best described as historical fiction as it tries to be very grounded in the time period in which it is set. 

I realize your mileage may vary on the religious aspect, but I think that Elizabeth George Speare has gone to great lengths to create a believable story that exists on the periphery of Jesus Christ’s life and ministry. As a believer myself I found it an easy enough concept to accept. For people unsure or that do not believe I hope that Speare has crafted a plausible story which happens alongside what you can call ‘pre-established’ characters and events – much as many recent stories set in the worlds of Robin Hood or King Arthur.

Our main character is Daniel, a young Jewish boy traumatized by the death of his parents (especially his father). His father was killed by the Romans so he harbors a passionate hatred for all Romans and even the Israelites that work with them. He is a very convincing portrayal of hurt and anger and hatred. The story is very well-crafted in that it quickly gets you on Daniel’s side, but then helps you step out and realizing how he is hurting the people who want to get closest to him rather than the Romans. His younger sister, Leah, is even more traumatized (and perhaps suffering another mental disorder) and her erratic behavior leads people to believe she is possessed. With lots of work she begins to make gains and learn to take care of herself and the household.  

Always occurring in the background is the early part of Jesus’ ministry. Daniel and his friends go listen to him preach on several occasions, Simon the Zealot is a fairly major character, and Daniel along with several other young rebels are certain that Jesus is preparing people to rise up against the Romans and form a zealots’ group.

One day Daniel goes into a rage and drives Leah back into her mind. The ending – though predictable in some aspects gives us a more realistic ending than I imagined. I will definitely give this other read around Easter in the future.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Ninth Round-up

I'm giddy you guys. I have follow through issues on long term projects. Yet here I am 90 books in!

Our latest batch included a couple rereads for school, a couple sleeper hits, and some big disappointments.

1. ...And Now, Miguel - I absolutely adored this book. I consider this one of the Newbery must-reads and also what I'd currently call the most under-appreciated Newbery.

2. The High King - A great conclusion to a series, but a pretty poor stand-alone. If you like high fantasy the Chronicles of Prydain are must-reads.

3. Carry on Mr. Bowditch - Surprisingly enjoyable - for me. I struggle to see that it has much kid appeal though, much like that book from long ago Call It Courage.

4. I, Juan de Pareja  - I enjoyed Juan's joy in art and his defiance of the law to become a painter in his own right. Not everyone has the strength to stand in open protest, but what he did was important and brought him and many others happiness.

5. A Year Down Yonder - A quirky little read that brings us through a year in s small Midwest town shortly after the Great Depression.

6. The Higher Power of Lucky- A fairly nice, if mostly unmemorable examination of family and belonging. The most noteworthy contribution to the set-up in the setting. A small Southwest desert town provides a good backdrop for this tale.

7. The Witch of Blackbird Pond - I guess I read this one in school, but I certainly enjoyed it more now.

8. Walk Two Moons - The good parts were really good and it interwove a nice story. But for me it was bogged down with some issues concerning the use of Native American imagery.

9. Lincoln - A book that, in my mind, treaded a well-worn path. It examined a well-examined subject and brought nothing new to the table.

10. Smoky, the Cowhorse - I'm not sure I even need to reiterate that this story had some real problems concerning race. Yikes.Yikes.Yikes.

Alright, the countdown!!!

  1. A Wrinkle in Time
  2. Number the Stars
  3. Crispin: Cross of Lead
  4. Island of the Blue Dolphins
  5. Julie of the Wolves
  6. Maniac Magee
  7. Bud, Not Buddy
  8. King of the Wind
  9. The Trumpeter of Krakow
  10. Out of the Dust
  11. When You Reach Me
  12. Crossover
  13. Merci Suárez Changes Gears
  14. ...And Now, Miguel
  15. The Tale of Despereaux
  16. The Door in the Wall
  17. Holes
  18. Caddie Woodlawn
  19. Kira-Kira
  20. Sounder
  21. Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village
  22. The Giver
  23. The High King
  24. The Westing Game
  25. Bridge to Terabithia 
  26. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
  27. The View from Saturday
  28. Sarah, Plain and Tall
  29. Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices
  30. Call It Courage
  31. Miracles on Maple Hill
  32. Moon Over Manifest
  33. Carry On Mr. Bowditch
  34. The Wheel on the School
  35. The Cat Who Went to Heaven
  36. The One and Only Ivan
  37. The Midwife's Apprentice
  38. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
  39. The Twenty-One Balloons
  40. The Hero and the Crown
  41. Onion John
  42. Shiloh
  43. The Graveyard Book
  44. New Kid
  45. Adam of the Road
  46. The Girl Who Drank the Moon
  47. Hello, Universe
  48. The Summer of the Swans
  49. I, Juan de Pareja
  50. Dear Mr. Henshaw
  51. Missing May
  52. Dead End in Norvelt
  53. Tales from Silver Lands
  54. A Year Down Yonder
  55. The Higher Power of Lucky
  56. Last Stop on Market Street
  57. Voyages of Doctor Dolittle
  58. The Witch of Blackbird Pond
  59. Jacob Have I Loved
  60. A Gathering of Days
  61. The Whipping Boy
  62. The Slave Dancer
  63. Dicey's Song
  64. Walk Two Moons
  65. Shen of the Sea
  66. Shadow of a Bull
  67. The White Stag
  68. Rabbit Hill
  69. Strawberry Girl
  70. Flora and Ulysses
  71. Miss Hickory
  72. The Matchlock Gun
  73. A Visit to William Blake's Inn
  74. Thimble Summer
  75. Lincoln, a Photobiography
  76. M.C. Higgins, the Great
  77. Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze
  78. It's Like This, Cat
  79. Ginger Pye
  80. The Secret of the Andes
  81. Criss Cross
  82. Up a Road Slowly
  83. The Dark Frigate
  84. Rifles for Watie
  85. Amos Fortune, Free Man
  86. The Story of Mankind
  87. Johnny Tremain
  88. Dobry
  89. Daniel Boone
  90. Smoky, the Cowhorse
It finally happened, Daniel Boone had been at the bottom since the second round-up. I was beginning to think it would never be unseated as the worst Newbery, but Smoky managed to pull through with overt racism and a long-drawn out middle. At least Daniel Boone was short.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Lincoln: A Photobiography, Newbery Winner 1987

Guys. How do I even review something like this? It is exactly what it says on the cover. It's a Lincoln biography, and I can't even really say that it brings anything new to the table...

Nope, even the Wikipedia page didn't give me much. Is it well written? Yes. Is the subject interesting? Yes. Is it suitable for young audiences? Yes.

But this is Lincoln the most often written about person in USA history! I'm not sure anything new remains to be brought to the table - we already even have him starring in a book as a vampire hunter!

Whatever. Decent book - but I'm unable to comprehend its rise to power.


This book beat Hatchet. Let that one sink in....

Carry on Mr. Bowditch, Newbery Winner 1956

A fictionalized biography. This is the one I knew the least about going into, because I still have never seen a physical copy of this book! I listened to some lady on Youtube read this one and honestly, it was pretty decent. I can't imagine how the publisher hoped to suck in the young 'uns - but for someone with my nerdy tastes this book was pretty good.

Mr. Bowditch was a naturally gifted mathematician who was unable to fulfill his childhood dream of attending Harvard due to his father setting him up in an apprenticeship during hard times.
However, he didn't let this stand in the way of learning - I dare say he doubled down. He taught himself calculus... after first teaching himself Latin so he could read the calculus book. And then he learned French, Spanish, Portuguese... basically any language he fancied.

Being super skilled and familiar with ships thanks to his family and apprenticeship, he joined a crew as a ship's clerk. Being nerdy he also took navigational readings, taught the crew how to navigate, and invented a new method of navigation that worked without clear skies... as one does. He found so many errors in a book he was asked to check he decided to just up and write his own. He was so accurate that the Navy bought its copyright 65 years after it was first published!

In all this was a great book for nerds like me - but I'm not sure it has much kid appeal outside of a niche group that likes reading about guys that really, really love math.

Friday, July 17, 2020

The High King, Newbery Winner 1969... eventually

I was very, very deliberate about this book. The High King is the final book in the quintet of books called The Chronicles of Prydain; I made sure to read all five books, which is probably lucky because I don't think The High King would work very well as a stand-alone. Unfortunately for this reason I'm not really sure if it deserved the Newbery Medal, however - if we were to take the Medal as a sort of award for the series as a whole I totally get it. The Chronicles of Prydain is excellent, very reminiscent of Lewis or Tolkien's work and deserving of a place amongst the greats for high fantasy. So it all depends on how the committee was treating the award at that point in time. Let's start at the very beginning....

The Book of Three (1964)
A great introduction to this fantasy world. I listened to the audio the second time round and it helped immensely because of all the names heavily inspired by Welsh. Though this story stands decently on its own story wise, it is definitely the set up for a larger tale but there is no sense that you're left hanging at the end. I read this for the first time many years ago and was satisfied even without finishing the series.
The primary purpose of this first book is to establish our primary characters:
Taran is a dreamer that wants more. His mysterious past means and high aspirations make him an easy target for maincharacteritis.
Princess Eilonwy is NOT your typical fantasy damsel. She tap dances on just this side of annoying, but in the end I appreciate Lloyd writing a fleshed-out female character in this genre in the 60s - and her flaws kind of make her more impressive.
Fflewddur Fflam is a wandering bard/ king. I really loved his character. His harp is magic and the strings snap whenever he lies, er - colors the truth. A great set-up that manages not to get old even five books in.

If you ever saw the Disney movie you might be a tad inclined to hate Gurgi. Thankfully he is faaaaaaaaar less annoying in the books! A wild man-beast he talks nonsensical phrases but often proves himself quite helpful. He starts out very cowardly and develops throughout the series into a brave companion.
Doli is a dwarf who constantly acts harsh and grumpy, but is really quite pleasant deep down. At the end of this first book he gains the power to turn invisible.

There are some other characters but really our five-man-band are the important ones.
The most significant plot point is a sword Eilonwy steals from a dead king (though she wouldn't consider it stealing). Taran wants to use the sword on a few occasions but she refuses to let him because, 'only a true king may wield it'. This immediately sets of your mysterious origins alarm bells, but in the end Taran is NOT able to wield the sword without being grievously injured. Prince Gwdion turns out to be able to use the blade. The end of the story sees everyone returning home (except Eilonwy she follows Taran seeing as her old place is a pile of rubble) and a delightful reset of the status quo.

The Black Cauldron (Newbery Honor 1966)
The classic fantasy archetype. The heroes are trying to find and/ or destroy some object - in this case the Black Cauldron. Our main five join the quest of Prince Gwydion in order to find the Black Cauldron before the bad guy (we have enough names here). The sacrifices in this book are so much better and more heartbreaking than the film.

The Castle of Llyr (1966)
My least favorite of the series. During a reread I'd even be tempted to skip it (I do that with a book in both Narnia and Harry Potter as well). In this story we are introduced to the thoroughly incompetent Prince Rhun, an arranged suitor for Princess Eilonwy. Eilonwy is kidnapped by some of those Welsh-named villains (I had trouble keeping them all separate) so Rhun joins the usual Taran, Gurgi, and Fflewddur Fflam. Rhun is another character that dances perilously close to unlike-ably irritating, however he does seem to realize what a goof-up he can be and works to improve himself. We also pick up Kaw (a talking raven) that proves very helpful and endears itself to Taran and Llyan (a magically giant mountain cat) that eventually becomes the familiar of Fflewddur Fflam.

Taran the Wanderer (1967)
Definitely the sleeper hit from the series. This one seems like a throw-away character study. But Taran's personal quest to discover his origins adds the character development that Taran needed. His growth has been occurring all through the series but here it is on full display. I adored his personal journey and how we see how he is when not on a quest for the princes or kings of the various lands. This book more than others follows an episodic nature - and makes for a really nice change of pace.

The High King (Newbery Winner 1969)
And now the main event! A true conclusion to an epic fantasy means one thing.


The Welsh-named villains whose names seem to all start with A have gathered an army and stolen the super important sword from Prince Gwydion. Everyone agrees the sword is the only weapon capable of defeating our primary big bad. People and plot lines from all the previous books wind together to an epic final showdown. I hate to spoil things - let's just say payoffs to mysterious origins occur, deaths are unexpectedly devastating and difficult choices are made. I was so pleased with the end of this series.

Darn this movie for making me avoid this series. Darn it, darn it, darn it.

Overall a series I highly recommend from an author whose characters are all enjoyable despite (and in some cases because of) their flaws. Lloyd Alexander clearly was a master of his craft and his obvious love of Wales and Welsh mythology and history shine through in these works.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

...And Now Miguel, Newbery Winner 1954

Joseph Krumgold is one of the six dual winners of the Newbery Medal - the first in fact! Although I reviewed his novel Onion John many years ago, ...And Now Miguel was actually his first winner.

Confession - I avoided this book for quite awhile (that's actually the case with most of the remaining books), you see - the beginning of Onion John was SUCH a chore. But remember I said that the father-son relationship blossomed into something amazing right as the book was finishing? That was the entire book this time! I loved how this book examined relationships, responsibilities, and growing up. My older copy said it was destined to be one of the great American novels, I'm sad that it doesn't appear to be more popular.

This book has an interesting backstory - it's kind of a biography. Krumgold did lots of work in Hollywood and was asked by the U.S. Department of State to create a film about Hispanic-American rural life. This docu-film (documentaries back then often played fast and loose with the facts) was 'And Now Miguel', he later adapted the film into this book. Which was later adapted into a film...

Is it an adaptation circle... or an adaptation triangle?

Anyhow, the Chavez family were very real and were in fact sheep ranchers. Krumgold must have spent quite some time with them because the utter realism of the book is so comforting. I think that the realism of family life has rarely been so well conveyed in a book.

Miguel Chavez is a twelve year old boy in a family of sheep ranchers. Every year his father, uncles, and two older brothers take the family's sheep up into the mountains for the summer. Miguel is really eager to join them this year and sets about trying to prove how responsible he is so that his father will allow him to come. Unfortunately, it seems like his hard work may not be enough, so he asks St. Isidore for help.

I feel to tell more would spoil just how good of a book this is. Certainly the minority depictions in this book are are breath of fresh air after my last two reads- particularly Smoky. *shudder*
Let's just list what makes this book amazing:
*Rural life depiction
*Solid father-son relationship
*Catholic depiction that doesn't dive into fantasy
*Excellent discussion about not getting things for free - you need to put something into it to get what you desire
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.

*Natural consequences - both good and bad
*Siblings being friends but also mentors
*Amazing family values, "We didn't just get lucky (finding a responsible hand). We raised him."

In closing:


Saturday, July 4, 2020

Walk Two Moons, Newbery Winner 1995

This is one of those books that everyone seems shocked to hear I haven't read, yet I don't recall ever thinking about it until I started on the Newbery quest.
I like most of this book. It has that intertwining story idea that I love. It has a nice road trip element to it. There is some interesting social commentary. It even manages to deliver a couple of good twists.

However there were some elements that rubbed me the wrong way. There is a lot of Native American imagery portrayed in a very generic way. As though Native Americans from Kentucky to Idaho were all just one homogenous group. I'm not versed enough to know what each region's tribes are like - but I do know they are varied.

There are other things - Salamanca's name being a misheard or misremembered version of Seneca, the tribe her mother supposedly belongs to and is proud of. (For a better breakdown see this post on AICL.) Sal's Grandmother dons a headdress and somehow ends up in the middle of a tribal dance. 😳
Of course there's also the title...

I like the general message of the book, but some of these issues could be cleaned up.

My next issue is a nitpick. Sal and her grandparents stop at the Missouri River in South Dakota. Sal's grandmother gets bit by a snake which she refers to as a cottonmouth. Either she's wrong or the author is. Since no one ever clarifies the grandmother's mistake (including a local boy and hospital staff) I'm forced to assume that Creech just used a venomous snake she knew liked water.

No where near South Dakota...

After a day in the hospital (1 day?!?) they are back on their way to Idaho with grandmother sliding continuously downhill. STOP AT A HOSPITAL!!!

The best part of this book is undeniably the message. Grief is something that hits everyone in different ways, we all need to face it, and it can introduce new things and people into our lives. Grief is strongest for those we've loved - but the flip side of a life with no great loves is even sadder.

I liked the realistic setting and style (Phoebe's story was every bit as believable and important as Sal's.) I know I've read some of Creech's other work and I'd be interested in how it compares.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Smoky the Cowhorse, Newbery Winner 1927

It's official - just because Marguerite Henry can write a Newbery winning horse book that becomes one of my favorites doesn't mean everyone can. I'm saying it right now - unless you're reading all the Newbery books I do not recommend this book and I especially do not recommend for children.
Where to start?

The book starts off nice enough - if slow. We follow the adventures of young Smoky in the mountains  - presumably the Rocky Mountains (Wyoming was mentioned but I'm not sure if that was where the Rocking R lands were or not). Anyhow happy horsey antics make up the first 80 pages. Like I said this part was nice - if we just had the life of a wild horse for 200 or so pages it would have been a  solid enough story. Heavy on the dialect, and poeticism - but solid.

Now - the middle piece. Uggggggh. The next 120 pages could have been condensed sooooooo much. Basically it is how Clint, a bronc buster, broke Smoky and became his rider. Smoky only liked Clint and he was a mighty fine horse. They ride the range for a few years until Smoky attains legendary status. It took me for-ev-er to get through this part. In the end I bought the Kindle book and used some fancy feature I've never needed before that drug the words across the screen, meaning I had to keep going or get lost. This chunk of the book contained important set-up but very little in the way of interesting plot.

So by this point in the book you would honestly have been better off choosing almost any other horse book that I'm familiar with and probably a fair number that I'm not familiar with. If you want the story of the West from the horse's mouth there's also this old animated movie - which I dug, it gives you a pretty similar plot sans the ending.

Alright, there are 120 pages left. What could they possibly bring us? Well, two things really: the plot and... racism.

Let's be honest the Newbery - and children's literature in general is no stranger to racism. It pops up all the time in things this old. The scale also ranges dramatically - not that it is ever right, but some offenses are definitely more egregious than others. I have read almost 90% of the Newbery winners now and this one was the one that made me think less, "Wow, this was written in a different era." and more, "Yikes."

This is gonna take an entire post in the future, but for now here are some choice quotes from the book - a book marketed to Ages 8-12 according to my copy printed in 2008 or later.

"All of him, from the toe of his gunny sack covered boots to the dark face which showed under the wore out black hat, pointed out as the man being a half-breed of Mexican and other blood that's darker, and noticing the cheap, wore-out saddle, the ragged saddle-blanket on a horse that should of had some chance to feed instead of being tied up, showed that he was a halfbreed from the bad side, not caring, and with no pride." (219-20)

We get many more instances referring to "his kind", "half-breed", and "the breed".

"There was all about the horse to show that he'd been right in his first dislike for the dark faced hombre." (240)

"But there was one thing which the riders noticed in him as most queer, and that was in the way he seemed to hate some humans worse than others - his hate was plainest for the face that showed dark." (251)

"'Say, cowboy,' (the sheriff) finally says, 'don't scatter that hombre's remains too much, you know we got keep record of that kind the same as if it was a white man, and I don't want to be looking all over the streets to find out who he was.'" (315)

Can anyone in good faith give this to an 8 year old? I hope not. Again, I've got a dedicated post planned, but it's going to require some planning and research.

For the record Will James was surprised he won the Newbery since Smoky was published for adults... my future blog plans include comparing the Newbery winners to honors and choosing the book I believe was the best. The honor books for 1927 are - lost to time or never existed. Was this adult book really the best for the year???
Some internet sleuthing later...

I turned up two other contenders on Wikipedia (my sleuthing isn't very comprehensive today) - Doctor Dolittle's Caravan by Hugh Lofting and The Hungry Tiger of Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson. I haven't read either of these yet, but I can imagine the Lofting would have taken the prize had it not been for the tiny detail that he'd won four years previous. If anyone can name a 1926 American children's book that deserved the win let me in on the secret please!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Higher Power of Lucky, Newbery Winner 2007

Going into this book I only knew two things about it: it won a Newbery and it contained the word scrotum... yeah, moving along. Not gonna lie about that second bit - I have no idea why Susan Patron thought this was necessary because it has absolutely no bearing on the plot whatsoever. But, as the old saying goes, this is your train - rob it.

Except she was robbing it for literature and not science.

I really enjoyed the book for the most part. It examines family in a different and interesting way - Lucky is being raised by her father's first ex-wife, a French woman named Brigitte. Her father has no role in either the book or her life and her mother is mentioned only to recount her death, funeral, and Lucky's inability to part with her ashes. I think that Lucky and Brigitte share an incredible dynamic - both loving each other but Lucky showing a believable amount of trepidation.

We are also given a glimpse of life in a tiny, tiny town. Everyone knows each other. For the most part they support each other. Some things simply don't exist in town and some really crazy things do. Living in a small town the last several years (not as small as in the book), I can relate to a lot of these things.

The important theme of family and how it isn't just the textbook definition are carried through to all the primary characters of the novel and the predictable (kind of sappy) ending is just the one you want.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Year Down Yonder, Newbery Winner 2001

This was such an odd little book. It reminded me of a much older book - in fact, let's call this Up a Road Slowly: The Good Version. That's probably stretching it quite a lot but there you have it. This book reads as being written much earlier than it really was, which is appropriate since it is set in the 30's.

A Year Down Yonder returns the protagonist Mary Alice to her grandmother's small community... Returns? Wait a moment....

I have once again failed to read all books leading up to the winner. I can say that it doesn't affect the reading of this book in any way. The characters and setting were totally fleshed out and the only hint that I missed a book was a quick sentence Mary Alice said referring to time she had spent with her grandmother and her older brother. It wasn't said in a manner that was just background, I was expected to reflect and say, "Ah, good times."

Still the characters in this story rang true to their time. Grandma Dowdel was hilarious and slightly rebellious in a way only the elderly can be; she reminded me of the elderly Miss Volker (Dead End in Norvelt).  Mary Alice is a girl that perhaps another author would have wanted to make a tomboy. She isn't overtly 'feminine' but she is also an ordinary girl - not forced into any trope one way or the other. 

This book isn't very plot-driven, rather it is a series of vignettes. Another way it harkens back - I often find older books to be less plot heavy than modern literature. It was really relaxing and enjoyable because of this - sometimes all you need is a series of events loosely tied together by enjoyable characters.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Newbery Winner 1959

This was assigned reading when I was in 6th grade. I didn't read it very thoroughly but I got the gist. Well, here I am for a complete reading and I must say - I found it enjoyable.
in the 1600s Katherine (Kit) grew up living a fairly privileged life in Barbados. When her grandfather dies she heads north to her only remaining family in Puritan New England.

These are hilarious and I didn't really have anywhere else to share them.

As one would expect she causes a stir but her aunt and uncle allow her to move in with them and her two cousins. She quickly catches the eye if a local boy and he commences to courting her. She also makes friends with a young girl with an extremely strict mother and a widow living alone in the swamp. This widow is Hannah, a Quaker who does not join worship services with the Puritan community.

Kit tries her best to fit in but has trouble adjusting to the stricter laws and practices of the Puritans. She is especially uneasy about the fact that the man courting her is building a house when she doesn't think she really wants to marry him.

When a horrible sickness strikes the community a mob forms to drive out 'the witch of Blackbird Pond' (Hannah) and Kit rushes to her aid, arriving just in time. Now that Hannah has been saved Kit finds herself the subject of suspicion and must decide how to protect herself and her family.

Overall a decent read with good history and interesting conflict. I would have like to see the characters beyond Kit fleshed out a little more - but in such a short book I understand.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

I, Juan de Pareja; Newbery Winner 1966

I remember having to read this book at some point during middle school and not really reading it - because I was an awful student that never wanted to read assigned books. However, I also remember becoming interested in the artists we talked about in class. I still recall my fascination with Diego Velázquez and his dedication to realism and an interesting use of mirrors. We also had to do a creative writing project taking two paintings and writing a short story to explain them.

I can't be 100% certain, but this may have been one of my selections.
A Woman Seated at a Table Cutting a Slice of Cheese by Esaias Boursse

I mentioned before that Veláquez was fiercely devoted to realism in his paintings, or, as he called it, the truth. He strove to show things as they really were instead of prettying them up, as was the fashion of the time. Which brings us this portrait.
Yes, Juan de Pareja was a real person. As is true of many persons from so long ago only a bare outline of his life is known - but this portrait is so raw and detailed that we practically have a photograph of our subject that can shed some light. Elizabeth Borton de Treviño took what little was known and spun a historical narrative around it. Juan de Pareja was a slave that was inherited by Diego Velázquez and served him both at home and while traveling. Despite laws forbidding slaves from practicing the fine arts, Juan observes his master and learns to paint. Part of me loves the friendship between the two artists but another part of me is keenly aware that only basic lip service is given to the fact that Juan is a slave. His happiness can be uncomfortable - do I begrudge any person, even those in dire straits, happiness? Of course not, but it feels somehow disingenuous. We do know that Diego freed Juan and Juan continued to work for him - so there was obviously some level of admiration there, whether as friends or professionals we may never know. The author's note sheds a little light, her idealism stems from her hopes for the Civil Rights Movement. Overall, I'd recommend for anyone interested in art and most people interested in history.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Eighth Round-Up

Coming down the home stretch! I’ve now read and reviews 80% of the Newbery winners!!! Considering how long I have put off some of these books they weren’t too bad! Only two of them were so boring I’d not consider reading them again.

1. Merci Suárez Changes Gears – I loved this book sooooo much! I truly believe that it is the most timeless story from the last decade – in a decade already filled with timeless tales! Part of my fondness is undoubtedly how much I connect with Merci, she is definitely one of those mirror characters.

2. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry – A classic for a reason! I can see why this is one of those books that anyone who cares about children’s literature makes time to read. I can’t wait to dog into more of this author’s work!

3. Moon Over Manifest – A great story told through a series of flashbacks. I really like these kinds of stories where the past and the present tie together, it seems to happen more in movies and tv shows (where you can – bonus! – use the same actor in multiple roles), so it was nice to see it in a book format.

4 New Kid – Finally, the graphic novel is coming into its own! This was a nice story filled with lots of layers and nuances. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this to any m9ddle schooler.

5. Hello, Universe – Lovely story with a wide range of believable characters, gives us one of the most interesting looks at the bullied and the bully in modern kid’s lit.

6. Dead End in Norvelt – So quirky and funny, I enjoyed this tale of small town America and how this community functions.

7. Jacob Have I Loved – So much better than I expected, Katherine Paterson somehow makes a whiny protagonist pining after an old man work.

8. The Slave Dancer – Not too shabby as far as 70s historical fiction goes – but I wanted it to get more in depth. However that would have taken the book out of the target age range.

9. Criss Cross – Middle school angst. Bleh.

10. Rifles for Watie – Zzzzzzzz…

And now, the countdown!

1.             A Wrinkle in Time
2.             Number the Stars
3.             Crispin: Cross of Lead
4.             Island of the Blue Dolphins
5.             Julie of the Wolves
6.             Maniac Magee 
7.             Bud, Not Buddy
8.             King of the Wind
9.             The Trumpeter of Krakow
10.          Out of the Dust
11.          When You Reach Me
12.          Crossover
13.          Merci Suárez Changes Gears
14.          The Tale of Despereaux
15.          The Door in the Wall
16.          Holes
17.          Caddie Woodlawn
18.          Kira-Kira
19.          Sounder
20.          Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village
21.          The Giver
22.          The Westing Game
23.          Bridge to Terabithia
24.          Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
25.          The View from Saturday
26.          Sarah, Plain and Tall
27.          Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices
28.          Call It Courage
29.          Miracles on Maple Hill
30.          Moon Over Manifest
31.          The Wheel on the School
32.          The Cat Who Went to Heaven
33.          The One and Only Ivan
34.          The Midwife's Apprentice
35.          Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
36.          The Twenty-One Balloons
37.          The Hero and the Crown
38.          Onion John
39.          Shiloh
40.          The Graveyard Book
41.          New Kid
42.          Adam of the Road
43.          The Girl Who Drank the Moon
44.          Hello, Universe
45.          The Summer of the Swans
46.          Dear Mr. Henshaw
47.          Missing May
48.          Dead End in Norvelt
49.          Tales from Silver Lands
50.          Last Stop on Market Street
51.          Voyages of Doctor Dolittle
52.          Jacob Have I Loved
53.          A Gathering of Days
54.          The Whipping Boy
55.          The Slave Dancer
56.          Dicey's Song
57.          Shen of the Sea
58.          Shadow of a Bull
59.          The White Stag
60.          Rabbit Hill
61.          Strawberry Girl
62.          Flora and Ulysses
63.          Miss Hickory
64.          The Matchlock Gun
65.          A Visit to William Blake's Inn
66.          Thimble Summer
67.          M.C. Higgins, the Great
68.          Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze
69.          It's Like This, Cat
70.          Ginger Pye
71.          The Secret of the Andes
72.          Criss Cross
73.          Up a Road Slowly
74.          The Dark Frigate
75.          Rifles for Watie
76.          Amos Fortune, Free Man
77.          The Story of Mankind
78.          Johnny Tremain
79.          Dobry
80.          Daniel Boone