Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Holes, Newbery Winner 1999

I'm retreading familiar territory once again with Louis Sachar's Holes. This book is still just as fascinating as the first time I read it. Speaking of the first time... this book has the distinction of being the only Newbery published during the time I was in the suggested age group for Newberys, that I read when I was that age! Yes, Holes was only a couple of years old the first time I read it, there was no movie from which to draw my imagery, I hadn't heard the plot twists from classmates, and I didn't even really know what a Newbery was. My most vivid memory is taking this book to camp and reading it in the waning daylight.
Funny because this last round, I was on an airplane, trying to read just a little more as the light faded away. (The aircraft I was in had passenger lighting but it didn't turn on.) But even though I know the story, I found the way that Sachar together the past and the present to be wonderful in every way. Another thing I noticed is that, more so really than any of the other Newberys I'd read so far, this one struck me as feeling more like a boys' book. That is, a book hoping to appeal to boys, although girls are welcome to come along.

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