Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Note on Re-Reading...

I re-read. I know some of you do too, raise your hands. Now bear with me... I don't choose literature because 'it's popular' nor do I hate it for that reason. But Harry Potter, oh Harry... One cannot re-read Harry Potter and try to have an earnest in-depth look at it without some bit of scorn from the literature snobs about cultural mobs or what-not. But at a certain point you've visited the stories so much that you begin to pick at the details. And when you pick details expect to find scads of questions. Or, as often as not while I've been revisiting Sorcerer's Stone - witty remarks. You really begin to know the characters as friends and can comment on everything they've done. I believe that everyone has read and loved a series should read it at least twice. Unless someone out there can truly tell me that you were just as invested in Harry in The Boy Who Lived as you were in the epilogue.
It is like having a best friend and trying to pinpoint that moment... the beginning, usually there is a vague idea of what happened, where you met, what interests brought you together... But in literature we have the gift of being able to go back and reconstruct the first moments, but with a fuller view. One that, I believe only gets more developed each re-read.

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