Sunday, June 17, 2012

Favorite Fictional Fathers

In honor of Fathers’ Day I thought I’d do a countdown of my ten favorite fictional fathers. These fathers are supportive and dedicated. Also they tend to crop up in my favorite works making this list totally biased. I haven’t limited these dads to literature though, I’ve included the greats from film.

10. Mr. Murray (A Wrinkle in Time)
I admit that this one is a bit of a gimme. The real reason he didn’t get to move higher up the list is because he is more of a catalyst than anything else. But his wife and children’s undying devotion to him prove that he is an amazing man.
He's so un-there I couldn't even turn up a picture of him on google.
9. Bert (The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica Series)
It’s very likely you’ve never heard of this guy. Unless I were to tell you that he is really H.G. Wells, but that might just blow your mind. His hands are full with his daughter Aven and the three newest caretakers, but Bert is someone that the entire Archipelago of Dreams can count on and look up to.
I couldn't find a picture of Bert either, so here's H.G. Wells.

8. Mr. Ping (Kung Fu Panda)
The greatest part of the Kung Fu Panda sequel was the development of the relationship between Po and Mr. Ping. We get insight into just how insanely much Mr. Ping loves his son. We also find how he came to adopt Po.
If you didn't know he was adopted you deserved to have that spoiler.

7. James Earl Jones (As the voice of Mufasa and Darth Vader)
So Mufasa is an obvious choice. He put himself in danger to save Simba, and we know that he must have been an amazing king because everyone in the Pride Lands loved him. Well except Scar…
Darth Vader is less your conventional great dad. Actually as far as great dads go he rates at the very bottom of the list until the last hour or so of his life. Then, like Mufasa, he lays down his life to save his son, destroy the emperor, and save the galaxy. So he gets bonus points.
No Simba! I am your father!
6. Penny Baxter (The Yearling)
Honestly I haven’t read this book since grade school, but Penny always comes to mind as a great father. And if I still think of him that way after all this time it must be true right?
Awww... Wait. There's a movie?

5. Gaius (Merlin)
He isn’t technically Merlin’s father, but he thinks of Merlin as a son and is the only magical mentor Merlin has ever known. What to press either of their berserk buttons? Just threaten the other one, watching their relationship is one of the greatest parts of the show.
The eyebrow is another matter all together.

4. Arthur Weasley (Harry Potter Series)
Probably the best dad in the wizarding world, he raises his own brood of seven despite the difficulties. He also cares deeply for Harry and Hermione and helps them in the world of wizards, when it comes to the muggle world though he is a bit lost. When push came to shove though he was at the forefront of the fight against evil.
Lovely day for a phone call, don't you think?

3. Cliff Huxtable (The Cosby Show)
The irresistible Bill Cosby starred as the wonderful family man Cliff. He was always available to dispense wisdom to his many children, sons-in-law, grandchildren, house guests, neighborhood kids… you get the idea. But he was also a great husband, sharing the duties of the household, cooking and cleaning when Claire worked late at the office. But don’t get the idea that this upstanding gent was straight-laced or no-nonsense.
Because, c'mon, he is still Bill Cosby.
2. Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
He tops almost every list of great fictional fathers. With good reason, he’s raising two kids to be upstanding citizens, instilling in them a high regard for morals. He demonstrates this in his job as a lawyer, by defending a man whom the whole town has already convicted. In addition to all this we learn that he is a crack shot! What a well-rounded individual.
We named one of our poodles after him. So the picture totally makes sense.
1. Pa Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie)
Pa protects his family as they move around the country. He also provides for them, plowing the land, building a house, working other jobs, and even advising other members of the community. The frontier was a hard place to live, but Pa did his best to help his children see the possibilities of this new land.
Sure, the book Pa is awesome with the ax and all, but tv Pa got to be played by Michael Landon.

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