Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Well, I've run through most of the award winners I have at college with me. Which means libraries! I have three usual libraries: Rapid City Public, Swanson Public, and CSM school library. What does this mean? Well, I need to carefully select books so that when I leave school next December the books I have left are ones sure to be found at the RCPL. Now Rapid City is a 'newer' city on the grand scale of things so its older children's literature is... non-existent. But here in Omaha there are several libraries I can roam the shelves of, however, it is one nondescript building that I chose to make my home location: the Swanson branch. Any of you out there in blog world who love children's literature and are in the neighborhood NEED to check out this library. They have a wonderful arrangement of children's literature! But on one shelf are the treasures, one look at these books tells you that they are older than any of the kids wandering the aisles, older even than many parents, the 'classics' shelf as it is called is filled with titles, and here classic is defined as old, out-of-print, and rare. They collected them from all the libraries in the city to display here.

In fact I just got three out-of-print Newberies from them this morning: Dobry, Tales from Silver Lands, and Waterless Mountain. There is one remaining out-of-print Newbery, Daniel Boone, but there was a waiting list for that one.

In addition, I checked out The Mummy Market by Nancy Brelis, on the recommendation of another blog: Collecting Children's Books. Go read it now, so addicting! Anyway, here was a book that runs fifty dollars on Amazon just sitting on a shelf for kids to pick up, only two words can describe this: crazy awesome.
Like this.

And last, but not least, I got A Hero for WondLa, a book I'd been waiting the better part of two years to come out. Its predecessor The Search for WondLa blew me away, and, as far as I'm concerned, earned its spot on bookshelves for generations to come. Go buy it, if you're lucky you might get the awesome original cover!
Only one can be the most awesome.
So anyway, I have a 500 page doorstop that I'm reading before I move onto the next Newbery. In the meantime I suggest you read the blog I mentioned earlier or, you know, a book.

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