The Newbery Winners Mini Challenges

Perhaps you are new to children's writing, maybe you are interested in a certain historical period (or the literature thereof) than a mini challenge is for you!

First: The Decade Challenges - read the entire grouping of winners from a decade (current decade and the 1920s are the short decades)!

Roaring 20s
Has the reputation of being the most boring decade of the bunch... I really couldn't tell you seeing as I have a hard time coming across these books so I haven't gotten very far through them.
Dirty 30s
In my opinion this decade appears to be found wanting... but that is mostly conjecture seeing as I haven't read many of the offerings yet.
  • 1930 Medal Winner: Hitty, Her First Hundred Years by Rachel Field
  • 1931 Medal Winner: The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth
  • 1932 Medal Winner: Waterless Mountain by Laura Adams Armer
  • 1933 Medal Winner: Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze by Elizabeth Lewis 
  • 1934 Medal Winner: Invincible Louisa: The Story of the Author of Little Women by Cornelia Meigs
  • 1935 Medal Winner: Dobry by Monica Shannon  
  • 1936 Medal Winner: Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink 
  • 1937 Medal Winner: Roller Skates by Ruth Sawyer 
  • 1938 Medal Winner: The White Stag by Kate Seredy
  • 1939 Medal Winner: Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright
Flying 40s
This is a decade that I began off mostly unfamiliar with, and let me tell you it has some amazing books in it! (But there are a couple of big stinkeroos in there as well!) The books in this decade skew shorter in length than many others.
Nifty 50s
Again we're looking at a decade that I haven't covered very well... and mostly it is because I've been avoiding these books like the plague. I own all but two, I don't even need to hunt them down, but I keep skipping them over. I truly would expect this to be the last decade I complete.
Swinging 60s
Ah, the 60s. In my head they are a golden time of quality entertainment... probably because this is when my parents were children so most of the 'old' things that I indulged in were things which they had enjoyed first. Not so with books, my parents weren't, uh, literarily motivated. I beat them to their own literature.
The Disco Era
That is the official nickname of the 70s, I looked it up. So far I haven't really seen that reflected in the literature (hooray!).
The Decade of Decadence
What??? These nicknames just keep getting weirder. Possibly my favorite nickname though since these are the books that I would say DEFINE brevity.
The Fine 90s
Ok, I made that up. I wanted the Nifty 90s... but nifty had been taken. Not surprisingly I've really enjoyed this decade. But then it is MY decade, these are the books written during my childhood and I do connect to them very well, I wonder if they will be as the 50s are to me for some future child.
The Double-0s
That's right, the decade of spies and lies - the Double-0s! My official young adult years were filled with fantasy stories, but these are just as good as what I was reading!
Now Playing
These are the current years and writing is trendier than ever trying to keep up with the cool kids. It is all about discovering the newest the best and the most exciting!
The World It Is A-Changing
  • 2020 Medal Winner: New Kid by Jerry Craft

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